1919 AL - Games of Wednesday, 21 May

Red Sox 12, Tigers 2The Red Sox pounded Detroit pitching for nineteen hits - four of them, and four RBI, from Babe Ruth - in a romp at Navin Field. Boston put together nine hits, including Ruth's seventh home run of the year, and three Tiger errors to score eight times in the 5th inning in support of Ray Caldwell (9 ip, 7 h, 2 er , 1 bb). Amos Strunk, Wally Schang and Stuffy McInnis each had three hits and Harry Hooper knocked in three as the Sox feasted on the deliveries of Rudy Kallio and George Cunningham. [box]

Babe Ruth, BOS

Indians 8, Athletics 3Elmer Smith's two-run single in the 7th drew first blood in a five-run uprising and capped Smith's four-RBI afternoon as Cleveland shrugged aside the hapless Athletics. Philadelphia had just tied the game at three in the top of the inning on Braggo Roth's triple and George Burns' double, but Scott Perry got into immediate trouble of his own making when the Indians came to bat. With one out, Perry kicked Jack Graney's comebacker and then uncorked a wild pitch on his way to a bases on balls to Ray Chapman. The collapse became contagious as Red Shannon then booted Tris Speaker's grounder to set the table for Smith to drive two of the runners home and Steve O'Neill followed one out later with another two-run single to end any suspense. Guy Morton went the distance for Cleveland, while Perry absorbed his sixth defeat in seven decisions. [box]

Browns 8, Nationals 3George Sisler and Baby Doll Jacobson knocked in five runs between them as the Browns offense continued to roll at home. St. Louis got on the board in the 4th when Sisler tripled with a man on first and then scored on Jacobson's single, and the Browns put the game away in the 7th when Jacobson and Wally Gerber stroked two-run singles to chase Jim Shaw. [box]


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