1919 AL - Games of Friday, 27 June

Browns 17, White Sox 2: This was not what Chicago expected, with ace Eddie Cicotte atop the hill looking to be the first AL hurler to reach eleven wins on the season. Cicotte (10-4) was rocked for nine runs in three innings, and the onslaught continued against Red Faber as the Browns piled up nineteen hits and twenty-six total baserunners in a laugher at Sportsman's Park. St. Louis got three in the 1st and three more in the 2nd, and any hope of a White Sox comeback was put to a quick and painful death by a six-run 4th inning that was bookended by triples from George Sisler and Jack Tobin. Tobin drove in six of the St. Louis runs, Baby Doll Jacobson had four hits and Carl Weilman (8-2) allowed only seven hits and one earned run on the afternoon. [box]

Jack Tobin, SLA

Indians 4, Tigers 3: After putting Jim Bagby in a tight spot thanks to defensive letdowns, Cleveland pushed across a run in the top of the 10th inning and Bagby finished the job in a tight, extended contest in Detroit. The game only entered extra frames because the Indians had trouble dealing with the ground ball - Harry Lunte's bobble in the 2nd helped the Tigers score a run to tie the game at one and then, after the Indians had taken a 3-1 lead on RBI doubles by Elmer Smith and Bill Wambsganss, errors by 1B Doc Johnston on grass-cutters hit by the first two batters of the inning enabled Detroit to tie the game once again. Earl Smith started with 10th with a single against Hooks Dauss (4-7) and stole second, and Larry Gardner then singled him home. Bagby (6-6) retired the Tigers in order in the bottom of the 10th. Smith and Harry Heilmann each had three hits. [box]


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