1919 AL - Games of Friday, 8 August

Red Sox 5, Indians 4: Boston capped a late-inning comeback by scoring twice in the bottom of the 9th inning to pip Cleveland. Larry Gardner tripled home two runs in the 1st, and singled in another in the 3rd, to push Cleveland to a 3-1 lead after the first three innings. The score stayed in that state into the 7th, when Boston began to mount a resurgence. Babe Ruth doubled to start the inning and scored on a Stuffy McInnis single and, in the 8th, Harry Hooper singled home Everett Scott to tie the game but two doubles in the top of the 9th put Cleveland clear once again. Trailing by a run in the home half of the 9th, Ruth led off against Stan Coveleski (9-13) with his 21st home run, Wally Schang doubled and McInnis again delivered the RBI base hit, this time to win the game and give the decision to Sam Jones (7-12). Ray Chapman and Gardner each had three hits for the Indians. [box]

Stuffy McInnis, BOS

Browns 4, Yankees 2: A pair of 12th-inning runs were all that separated St. Louis and New York this afternoon at the Polo Grounds. The Brown led 2-1 into the bottom of the 9th behind the pitching of Bert Gallia, but Del Pratt led off with a single, stole second and scored the tying run on Muddy Ruel's base hit. The Yankees then got two men on base in the 11th with only one out, but Ernie Koob got Ruel to sky to right and then fanned Ernie Shore. Shore (1-7) got the first out of the 12th, but then three straight St. Louis singles produced a run and an infield force play a second; Koob (3-0) gave up a leadoff single to Chick Fewster to begin the home half of the inning but then retired the next three men in order to nail down the road win for the Browns. Sisler had four hits, including his 20th triple of the season, and Herman Bronkie and Wally Gerber each contributed three hits to the St. Louis cause. [box]

White Sox 9, Athletics 0: Eddie Collins had three hits and knocked in three runs as Chicago put the screws to Philadelphia again. Ten of the White Sox' fourteen hits came in the first four innings as they ran out to a 7-0 lead; Collins had a two-run triple in the 2nd and an RBI single in the 4th. Red Faber (13-5) allowed only six hits, all singles, three of which were collected by Merlin Kopp. Hap Felsch hit a two-run home run in the 9th inning to pad the score in Chicago's favor. [box]

Athletics 6, White Sox 3: Tom Rogers held the League's best-hitting club to only three hits and, for the second day running, the A's salvage a double-bill split with a win in the second tilt. It looked like perhaps another long afternoon for the home side after Rogers walked four White Sox in the 3rd inning, leading to two runs that gave Chicago a 3-1 lead. But Philadelphia jumped right back with four singles and two runs in their half of the inning and, from that point forward, Rogers (7-10) was virtually untouchable despite four fielding errors behind him. He allowed one hit after the 3rd - and that came with one out in the 9th when the matter was well in hand - and retired thirteen in a row while his teammates were padding the lead in the late innings. Tillie Walker had four hits, two RBI and a steal to lead the A's offense, [box]


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