1983 Stanley Cup Finals - Game One

Carnage at the Northlands Coliseum in Game One of the 1983 Stanley Cup Finals! Edmonton pokes four holes in Billy Smith in the first twelve minutes, but the Isles claw their way back to a 4-4 tie midway through the second period. The teams trade goals three times from there, Bourne scoring with the goalie pulled to make it a 7-7 game with 1:33 remaining.

But the well-Oiled offensive machine was just not to be denied on this evening, as Edmonton spent the final minute in the Islander end and Mark Messier potted his fourth goal of the game with just eighteen seconds remaining on the clock. John Tonelli had a hat-trick (two PPG) for New York, and Bossy and Kurri each had four points. [box]

Al Arbour is going to have to rethink his defensive strategy . . .


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