1919 AL- Games of Sunday, 18 May

Browns 5, Red Sox 2Baby Doll Jacobson doubled and homered, and Carl Weilman allowed only four hits in a St. Louis home victory over the Red Sox. Jacobson homered to lead off the 2nd and then doubled home George Sialer in the 3rd to drive the Browns to the front, and Weilman was largely unbothered the rest of the way. He walked the first two men in the 6th to lead to two runs that gave Boston a little bit of hope, but retired the final seven men to close the door firmly. Joe Gedeon also had a pair of RBI for the Browns. [box]

Carl Weilman, SLA

White Sox 3, Athletics 2Eddie Cicotte pitched nine innings allowing eight hits and no walks, and the Chicago offense took advantage of three Philadelphia fumbles to give the Comiskey crowd a close win.  With the scored tied at one in the 6th, Buck Weaver and Eddie Collins led off with singles against Scott Perry, and Red Shannon muffed Joe Jackson's two-hopper to load the bases. Happy Felsch then cajoled a walk from Perry to break the tie, and an insurance run scored when Chick Gandil bounced in to a double play. The A's got one back in the 7th, and put the tying run in scoring position, but Cicotte bore down and retired seven of the final eight Philadelphians (the eighth being his won fielding miscue) to lock up his fourth victory of the campaign. [box]

Indians 7, Yankees 2: Stan Coveleski had the New Yorkers' numbers in Cleveland, scattering seven singles as his teammates piled up a dozen hits for a comfortable win. Matters still hung somewhat in the balance with the score 3-1 for the Indians through seven, but Coveleski's bases-loaded, bases-clearing double in the 8th put any questions to rest. Joe Wood and Larry Gardner had three hits apiece for the Tribe, and Coveleski finished his day at the plate two-for-four with four RBI. [box]

Nationals 7, Tigers 3Sam Rice had a double, triple and a sacrifice fly to pace the Nationals' attack as five extra-base hits overwhelmed the Tigers at home. Washington got off to a quick start behind Rice's SF and triple, which each scored runs, and then broke it open with three runs in the 6th topped of by Mike Menosky's two-run single. That would be enough for Walter Johnson, who allowed just one earned run and whiffed four Tigers to run his ledger to 4-1 on the season. Joe Judge had three hits, and Bobby Veach knocked in a pair for Detroit.  [box]


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