1919 AL - Games of Sunday, 29 June

Yankees 6, Red Sox 3: Roger Peckinpaugh blasted a three-run home run in the bottom of the 11th inning to propel New York to victory after having nearly given the game away in the 9th. The Yankees took a 3-2 lead in the 7th on consecutive two-out singles by Peckinpaugh, Frank Baker and Duffy Lewis and George Mogridge held that lead until the final hurdle. Everett Scott led off the top of the 9th for Boston with a double and moved to third on Red Shannon's pinch-hit single. After PH Stuffy McInnis flied out to shallow center, Frank Gilhooley hit a grounder to third which went under the glove of Baker to allow Scott to score the tying run. Neither club mounted a real challenge again until the home half of the 11th. Truck Hannah drew a leadoff walk (his third free pass of the day) against Ray Caldwell (2-7), and then Allen Russell (3-2) dropped a bunt to Babe Ruth at first; Ruth threw to second looking to cut down the winning run, but threw the ball over Scott's head and into shallow left field allowing Hannah to reach third base. Chick Fewster came on to run for Hannah, but Sammy Vick popped one to shortstop for the first out. This brought Peckinpaugh to the dish and he ripped a long one into the seats for his third home run of the season and a Yankee win. [box]

Roger Peckinpaugh, NYA

Indians 2, Tigers 1: Detroit squandered a host of opportunities, stranding fifteen men, and paid the price when Steve O'Neill singled home the game-winning run for Cleveland in the 14th inning. Guy Morton and Howard Ehmke locked horns all afternoon, both men pitching into the 11th inning. Detroit got one in the 1st on Bobby Veach's two-out double and the Indians got even when Tris Speaker tripled home a run with two away in the 8th. The Tigers loaded the bases with two gone in the 11th but George Uhle (6-2), on in relief earlier in the inning, struck out Donie Bush with the bat on his shoulder to end the threat. Things were quiet again until the 14th, when Larry Gardner (3-for-6) led off with a single and moved to third base on two ground outs before O'Neill poked one over the infield off of Doc Ayers (0-1). Detroit again put two men on the bases in the bottom half but, again, struck out for the final out. Chick Shorten had three hits for the Tigers. [box]

White Sox 11, Browns 3: Chicago grabbed an early lead and then piled on in the late innings to put second-placed St. Louis in its place at Sportsman's Park. The White Sox scored five times in the first three innings, with the help of two Browns errors, and scored four more times in the 8th when Joe Jackson singled and Happy Felsch tripled, each with two men aboard. Grover Lowdermilk (3-2) was having it all his way on the bump in front of the hostile crowd, keeping the hot-hitting Browns off the scoreboard and retiring eighteen men in a row (STL only left two men on base for the day) until tiring in the 9th and allowing four hits and three runs. Buck Weaver walked three times and scored three runs and Chick Gandil knocked in four runs. [box]

Nationals 6, Athletics 1: Walter Johnson struck out eight A's and Patsy Gharrity pounded three hits to lead Washington over Philadelphia. Rollie Naylor (1-3) matched the Big Train nearly pitch for pitch, and the game was a tight 2-1 affair in favor of the Nats until the 8th inning when three straight two-out RBI hits put four runs onto the scoreboard and put the game out of reach for the Athletics. PHA did manage to scratch out a run in the 7th but otherwise Johnson (10-4) was in complete control, striking out two A's in three different innings and setting down the last eight men after allowing that single run. Joe Judge reached base safely five times atop the Washington lineup. [box]


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