1919 AL - Games of Saturday, 16 August

Red Sox 8, White Sox 2: Boston scored five times in the late innings to distance themselves from Chicago at Comiskey Park. Leading only 3-2 after the first four inning, the Red Sox got singletons in the next three frames and then a pair in the 8th to put the game away. Wally Schang had two walks and a single in the last five innings, and Everett Scott collected three of his four hits while scoring one run and driving home another. Sam Jones (8-13) pitched shutout ball other than a two-run 3rd helped along by his only two free passes of the day, and he set down the final twelve South Siders with only two balls leaving the infield. [box]

Everett Scott, BOS

Yankees 8, Tigers 7: New York trailed 6-2 entering the 7th and then scored six runs over the final three innings to take one out from under the Tigers' noses in Detroit. RBI hits from Donie Bush, Ralph Young and Ty Cobb had given the Tigers a 5-1 lead in the 4th, and that edge still lived into the final three stanzas. Doc Ayers () had been very solid on the hill for Detroit, but Ping Bodie touched him for a three-base hit to start the 7th, and then two walks, a balk and Frank Baker's single got the visitors to within two runs. The Yanks then began their 8th with five straight singles to score two more for the tie, the last coming from PH Lefty O'Doul and sending Ayers to the showers in favor of Slim Love, who got Chick Fewster to bounce into what seemed at the time like a game-saving 5-2-3 double play. But New York was not done - four singles in the 9th off of Love (4-7) led to two more runs and a NY lead, and Jack Quinn just had to hold on in the bottom of the inning. That turned out to be a little easier said than done, as Bobby Veach doubled with one out and scored when Harry Heilmann followed with a single. A rare Del Pratt error put the tying run at second with two away, but Quinn (14-10) recovered to retire Eddie Ainsmith on a ground ball force out to end the game. [box]

Athletics 5, Browns 4: Philadelphia scored twice in the top of the 9th, and then used all of the available cushion in the bottom half to avoid a sweep in St. Louis. The clubs traded single runs in the 2nd, then two-spots in the 4th (Merlin Kopp and George Sisler with the big blows) to send the game into the late innings knotted up at three. Walt Kinney and Ernie Koob (3-2) kept the score that way until the final stanza; Tillie Walker tripled in a run in the top of the 9th for the A's and scored himself on George Burns' single. Kinney (6-11) was stung by Sisler's second triple of the game to begin the home 9th but, after a sacrifice fly cut the lead to one, he retired the final two men, fanning Wally Gerber for the game's final out. Fred Thomas reached base three times for the Athletics. [box]


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