1919 AL - Games of Wednesday, 14 May

Browns 7, Athletics 6George Sisler beat the throw home on Wally Gerber's ground ball to third base to complete a two-run 9th inning rally that shot the Browns past the As. St. Louis trailed 6-5 heading into their final at-bat, but Jack Tobin, Sisler and Baby Doll Jacobson singled in succession to start the inning, cut the lead to one, and chase Philadelphia starter Scott Perry from the game. Walt Kinney came on to pitch and Tad Sloan sacrificed Sisler to third and Jacobson to second. With one away and two men in scoring position, Sisler was off at the crack of the bat when Gerber (2-for-5, 3 RBI) rolled one to the left of A's third sacker Fred Thomas and the first baseman slid home well ahead of the throw. Jacobson had three hits, and Braggo Roth had three (including his third HR) for Philadelphia. [box]

Wally Gerber, SLA

White Sox 1, Red Sox 0This one lived up completely to the pre-game hype (or whatever they called that in 1919!) as the two clubs and their ace starters battled to a standstill until the 16th inning, in the game of the season thus far! Eddie Collins led off the bottom of the 16th with a base hit and then stole second. Joe Jackson grounded out to first, moving Collins to third, and then Hap Felsch singled to left to score the only run of the game for a 1-0 White Sox win! Cicotte went 14 innings (matching his real-life high for the season), allowing four hits and three walks, while Mays matched him zero-for-zero for 12 innings, giving up five hits and six walks. Chick Gandil had three hits for Chicago, while Amos Strunk had two of Boston's five safeties. [box]

Indians 6, Nationals 5Elmer Smith belted his fourth home run of the season and Doc Johnston had two hits and two RBI as Cleveland pipped Washington in front of the home crowd. Smith's 1st-inning clout gave the Tribe the early advantage, and Johnston's RBI double in the 4th took it back after Washington had rallied to tie and his run-scoring single in the 8th provided an insurance run which would be necessary when the Nats put together three singles in the 9th before Jim Bagby could record the final out. Eddie Foster had three hits for Washington. [box]

Yankees 10, Tigers 3New York exploded for five runs in the 5th inning behind Frank Baker's three-run homer and then ran away from the Tigers in Detroit. Baker's second home run of the season was the last of five Yankees hits in their big inning and things went downhill from there for the home team; Howard Ehmke walked three consecutive men in the 7th, two with the bases loaded, and four more Yankee hits in the 9th made the game a laugher. Bill Lamar had three hits for the winners, while Bob Jones did the same for the losers, and Hank Thormahlen cruised to the complete-game win behind the ample offensive support. [box]


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